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Corporate Branding - What Is a Logo?

Thinking in computer terms, a logo is actually just an icon, or a graphic representation of an object, concept, or message. Sound simple enough? Maybe. But if you've ever been on the creative end of designing one, you know that there's nothing simple about it.

It's interesting that logos have only been widely used for about 100 years. Originally, local merchants would sign their goods so that consumers would be able to differentiate between brands. The signatures served as early forms of trademarks. As the number of merchants increased, more formal logos were developed to lend an identity or personality to various products to make them stand out among the others.

With the number of companies springing up today, computer designers are frequently being asked to create interesting and unique logos that will stand out among the competition.

But how do you create an identity for a company that is just starting out? There's no history to fall back on, no personality, and no corporate culture. It's easy to become emotionally attached to an idea, but another to lose sight of the company's goals in the marketplace. The logo design process can take months to finalize and many times ends in frustration.

The Nike Swoosh, McDonald's Arches, and the Apple logo are sure winners in brand identification. But only because we've seen them thousands of times on billboards, commercials, print ads, and t-shirts. In the first decade after each company began, they were still struggling for identity among their peers. It takes time for a corporate identity to take shape and even longer for its graphical representation to mean something to its customers.

Some of the simplest logos are the most memorable. Maybe because the companies that have been around the longest designed their logos during simpler times. Or maybe because they were just simple companies back then.

There's nothing wrong with simplicity. Bass Ale's logo is an understated red triangle. And Microsoft is simply Microsoft. But the mere sight of it brings to mind images of Bill Gates. Not many logos are so identifiable that it makes people think about the company's founder. Except for maybe Apple.

If you desire a more intricate design, by all means, go for it. As long as it's somewhat unique and visually represents who you are or what you do, you'll make out okay. But don't sweat it if you only use a font treatment for your name. Some of the biggest and most notable companies in the world simply use their name as their logo.

Because in the long run, it's your products or services that will ultimately make or break your brand in the marketplace. Not many people choose one company over another to do business with because of their logo. If you're good at what you do, your customers will remember it. Your logo will just make it easier for them to find you when they want to buy more.

Jeff Weiss provides web, marketing and SEO services for clients related to Hollywood film and video production, and a variety of age and health-related services. You can find him on online at

By Jeff Weiss

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