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Frustration at Work: Can You Lead Gen Y in Ways That Reduce Frustration and High Costs of Turnover?

Traditionalist and Baby Boomer business owners and managers no longer need to experience frustration over employee situations that would not have occurred ten years ago. By understanding generational differences company owners and managers can learn how to get expected results from Generation Y employees, keep them longer, and lower the high cost of turnover.

Four generations of employees with differing values, attitudes and beliefs is one of the major changes in business today and issues continually crop up that cause uncertainty for owners and managers. The Y Generation (Gen Y) is the most challenging and some business managers have stopped hiring them. Rather, they expect them to change as they grow up and in time, to assimilate what are fast becoming outdated business practices.

Research shows that becoming cognizant of the expectations of the next generation is key for managing all employees better and seeing what is ahead for business. It also reduces workplace frustration and turnover costs. As Tinker argues, "Considering the three options for reducing employee costs - not hiring Gen Y, requiring them to adapt to business-as-usual, or understanding and managing their unique values - the latter has the greatest potential for company survival and positive cash flow."

If business leaders are not open to learning about generations at work they will be at a loss for how to work with them, just when they need them most. One generation will blame another and teamwork will suffer. The business brand will convey a message that its products and services are old-fashioned, and for old-fashioned people because that is what it will be. Customers will find they are unable to get the quality and latest version of product or service they shop for and cash flow will suffer as productivity and turn-around drag.

Here are 3 steps for leading Gen Y employees to reduce workplace frustration.

Step #1. Teach company leaders about the four generation workplace and how each generation differs then teach generational differences to all employees. Lead them to discover their similarities, where their characteristics, skills and capabilities compliment each other, and how they can partner in projects work.

Step #2. Focus on the benefits Gen Y brings to the company and the workplace. First listen to them for what they have to give then mentor them for what they need to know. Give them assignments that matter to the company and guide them to successful completion. Let Gen Y reverse-mentor those who need help with technology, adjusting to change, and being healthy and having fun at work.

Step #3. Embrace oncoming change for the workplace. Martin and Tulgan state that business owners and managers must update the work environment to adapt to, not the wants and needs of a new generation but, a "workplace revolution precipitated by globalization and technology". With a Gen-fit for leadership, companies can create agile, dynamic workplaces that adapt more easily and are prepared to serve customers better.

Bottom line, it costs no more than a little time to learn about what will help keep good Gen Y employees on the job longer and reduce the annoying costs of turnover.

And now, I'd like to invite you to claim your free instant access to my new white paper, "Workplace Frustration: How to Reduce It and Manage Gen Y For an Increase in Company Profits" For a limited time you'll find it free at my slide-up when you visit

By Tinker Barnett

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