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Change and Integration Roadmap

I am pleased to share our, "Rapid Results Change & Integration Action Plan" within our "5 Core Competencies of a Systems Thinker" series.

If you are like me, you're always looking for ways to improve what you do. Many professionals like us have no shortage of great ideas to meet challenges.

Roadblocks typically occur when there are conflicting priorities or constant interruptions. Perhaps you are so busy that you are unable to fully provide people with the guidance they are requesting. Other times, it might be an issue of getting someone on your team to buy-in to a solution. When there are seemingly insurmountable roadblocks, a great idea can get shelved and problems persist.

Effective Change and Integration tools should support you in aligning communications and catapult the development, execution and ultimately the sustainability of your ideas.

Our Change and Integration Roadmap covers a lot of aspects, below is a short excerpt that you can use right now!
"Rapid Results Change & Integration Action Plan"

1. Assess Your Target Audience:
A. Identify the person or group of people that you need on board. Of those people, what person or group of people do they listen to? There may be several key influencer(s). These are now your communication targets.

B. Know your audience. There are many assessment tools on the market today, MBTI (Myers & Briggs), DiSC®, etc. Whatever your audience style is, the following questions will help you draft your communication plan: What inspires or motivates your audience? What causes this person or group apprehension? What can you do to help them?

2. Progress not Perfection:
Rather than being frustrated that you have to address resistance, recognize that you have identified where to best focus your attention. Your drafted communication plan with this person or group of people can move your idea to the next change stage.

3. Mirror to Establish Connection:
Mirroring is when you repeat exactly what you heard another say - word for word. After you repeat what you heard and they have confirmed that you heard them correctly, ask if there is more that they have to tell you. If you didn't hear correctly, try again until they confirm that you have repeated exactly what they said (without judgment, negative tone, or comments). Unless they ask you, as the receiver of their message, do not respond with your thoughts.

4. Make Sure They Feel Understood:
When the "resistor" has finished speaking and confirmed that you heard them, THEN (and yes only then) you can express how you understand why they feel the way they do. Even if you don't agree with them, the key is to look for a place within yourself that can identify with their perception.

If you can not identify with their perception, ask them to help you understand further. Then continue listening until you understand their point of view. Do not push for a result. Give this person and yourself time to process this new level of awareness and connection with one another.

5. Approach Your Message with Confidence:
When you sense the time is right, perhaps the person asks you clarifying questions about your ideas, approach your message to them in light of their concerns and feelings. In this type of exchange, both you and the other person are now discussing the solution from the same perspective and can move forward as a team.

That is it - simple and not necessarily easy!

Remember the concept is to have an agreed upon approach so that ideas are pursued. You won't get everyone on board with everything, nor do you need to, the trick is that you do your part to ensure good ideas don't whither away.

Nina Segura B.S., M.A., CSSBB
Metaspire Consulting - "Performance improvement from strategy to execution."
Phone (954) 260-3888 or (866) 630-6334
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"I think a major act of leadership right now, call it a radical act, is to create the places and processes so people can actually learn together, using our experiences." Margaret J. Wheatley

Metaspire Consulting
10211 Pines Blvd., Suite 117
Pembroke Pines, Florida 33026

By Nina Segura

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